Our contribution
Creating space for togetherness
Dialogue formats and meeting spaces
Through our dialogue formats, we create spaces for encounters in which people with different opinions, backgrounds and experiences can meet. These formats are designed to promote exchange and enable a deeper understanding of different perspectives. Whether through educational programs, lectures, seminars, or public discussions, our goal is to provide platforms where people can meet openly and honestly and thus engage in dialogue. In doing so, we aim to not only address current issues, but also foster long-term relationships and networks that will endure beyond our events.
Promoting respectful conversations
We are convinced that intercultural encounters can create trusting spaces for dialogue that build trust and enable respectful, peaceful and non-judgemental l conversations. They form the basis for better mutual understanding and harmonious social development. We attach great importance to creating an atmosphere in which all participants feel safe and valued. Targeted moderation and preparatory measures ensure that everyone has the opportunity to express their opinion and be heard. In this way, we help to reduce misunderstandings and build bridges between different communities.
Intercultural exchange
Through our projects, we promote intercultural exchange and help to build connections between cultures and communities. This exchange is essential in breaking down prejudices and promote an open and inclusive society.
We work closely with partner organisations both at home and abroad – and continue to build these relationships up in order to maximize our reach and impact. In doing so, we focus on sustainable collaborations and the exchange of best practices. Our educational projects cover topics such as cultural diversity, integration and global responsibility, and aim to raise awareness of the benefits of a diverse and inclusive society.
Our commitment to development cooperation and social dialogue is aimed at bringing about sustainable change and support positive social development. We firmly believe that through continuous efforts and committed action, a real difference can be made. We firmly believe that through continuous endeavour and committed action, a real difference can be made.
Our contribution is to provide platforms for dialogue that enable people to network, learn from each other and work together towards a better future.
We are involved in the following social areas:
The spread of polarizing political communication patterns has increasingly harbours the risk of social division. Maintaining dialogue within society is crucial for social coexistence and a humanitarian civil society. Alongside education and economic justice, acceptance and respect are key elements of interpersonal cohesion.
According to the WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature), the earth's annual biocapacity is 1.7 global hectares (gha) per person, while the average consumption is 3.3 gha. If a calendar year is used as the basis for calculation, the regenerative resources in Germany, which should last for 365 days, are already used up in May. 60 per cent of the world's ecosystems have deteriorated in the last 50 years.
A balance between economic development and the earth's finite resources is necessary. Economic models that balance both prosperity and biocapacity are required. The transition to an ecologically oriented economy is complex and fraught with conflict, which is where dialogue formats can have a supportive effect.
Experts and institutes are forecasting an increase in conflicts at all levels in the face of growing social, ecological and economic challenges. Germany's foreign and development policy commitment is therefore focused on active conflict prevention and resolution, which creates a high demand for specialists for peacekeeping missions and projects.
In times of globalization and migration, intercultural dialogue is becoming a key competence of the 21st century. Tolerance and recognition, preserving one's own cultural identity and at the same time respecting the foreign, are crucial for peaceful coexistence between different people, cultures, nations and religions.
Although the importance of religion is decreasing worldwide, for many it remains a source of identity and at the same time a potential source of conflict in interreligious contact. Interfaith dialogue remains important, as religions can make peace-building offers. The opportunities and risks in religion highlight the need for dialogue to promote peace across cultural and religious boundaries.