»Circular and Return Migration«
A transnational continuing education program
November 2024
2 semesters
Online & On-SIte
No costs for defined target group
End of September 2024

Project background
Facilitating a safe and dignified return
The Global Compact for Migration concluded in 2018 gives international cooperation an important role in facilitating safe and dignified return and reintegration in the country of origin. Well-planned and organised return programs contribute equally to safety and development in countries of origin, transit and destination. This increases the need for expertise in the design and implementation of return programs.
Therefore, the aim of the CRM project is the implementation of an academic, part-time continuing education program »Circular and Return Migration Management« in the field of voluntary return and reintegration.
The basis is the teaching of theoretical, practical, and professional skills to design and implement successful voluntary return programs.
The Certificate Program is designed to be transnational and is aimed at different actors from countries of origin, destination, and transit in a parity-based approach.
Project activities and milestones
Official Working Day
of the CRM Project Team
Steering Committee Krems
Start of the Certificate Program
Group 1
Nov 2024
Kick-off Impact
and Evaluation Study
Autumn 2024
Program Start Group 2
Spring 2025
Certificate Completion Group 1
Summer 2025
Program Start Group 3
Autumn 2025
Program Start Group 4
Winter 2026
Certificate Completion Group 2
Spring 2026
Certificate Completion Group 3
Summer 2026
Certificate Completion Group 4
Winter 2026
Winter 2026
Outcome Impact
and Evaluation Study
End of 2026
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Official Working Day of the CRM Project Team
Steering Committee Krems
Start of the Certificate Program
Group 1
Autumn 2024
Kick-off Impact
and Evaluation Study
Nov 2024
Start of the Evaluation Study
Group 2
Spring 2025
First results of the
Evaluation Study Group 1
Summer 2025
Start of the Evaluation Study
Group 3
Autumn 2025
Start of the Evaluation Study
Group 4
Winter 2026
Results of the Evaluation Study
Group 2
Spring 2026
Results of the Evaluation Study
Group 3
Summer 2026
Results of the Evaluation Study
Group 4
Nov 2026
Overall results of the
Impact and Evaluation Study
End of 2026
Winter 2026
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Academic continuing education program
The university Certificate Program is designed and led by UWK academic teaching staff. In the spirit of an integrative educational approach, additional teachers and trainers from academia/science and practice from the participating regions and countries will also be recruited.
In addition to acquiring knowledge and skills and exchanging experiences, new ideas, project approaches and innovations will also be discussed and developed in case studies, considering the specific regional needs of the respective cohort groups.
The study program is aimed at employees from:
- government administration
- policy and civil society, including diaspora organisations, and
- non-governmental organisations working in the areas of voluntary return in countries of origin, destination and/or transit.
Participants are recruited along the following migration routes:
- The Western Balkan route
- Western Mediterranean and Atlantic route
- The Central Mediterranean route
- The part-time study program is designed for 2 semesters
- During the 3-year project period, a total of 4 courses are to be held, each with 20 participants
- The first Certificate Program starts in autumn 2024
- The fourth program will start in January 2026 and end at the end of the project in January 2027.
Relevance and added value
The creation and establishment of a scientifically based academic part-time study program for working professionals contributes to the professionalisation of national and international return projects.
In addition, the accompanying research provides new insights and opportunities for the future design of projects in the field of voluntary return.
The transnational involvement, partnership, and dialogue between the various actors from the fields of teaching, science and practice will help to develop sustainable structures and skills in the countries of origin, transit, and destination.
A further goal beyond the project could be to continue the study program independently in both the transit and home countries in the future, thus ensuring the successful long-term expansion of return programs.
Do you have any questions?
We look forward to welcoming you as a participant in our Certificate Program »Circular and Return Migration Management«.
Project measures and performance review
In order to be able to measure the effectiveness and success of the entire project and the study program, we have defined specific goals and project measures.
Concrete project measues
The planning, implementation, and completion of a total of 4 continuing education courses, each comprising 16 hybrid teaching days per cohort group (4 days on-site at the University of Krems and 3 online courses – each 4 days long, or on-site courses at the participating teaching partners from the countries of origin, destination, and transit).
Each cohort group should consist of around 20 participants.
Establishment of learning partnerships (universities, organisations) – recruitment and involvement of up to 8 stakeholders and educational partners in the implementation of the Certificate Program, application/selection of participants and the provision of teaching staff and facilities.
The aim is to cooperate with learning partners from selected regions/countries along the mentioned migration routes. As part of the project measure, focus groups will be created for the evaluation study.
The scientific monitoring and evaluation of the project over the entire period is summarised in an evaluation study.
Various aspects of the course and its content will be analysed by interviewing participants before and after the study program.
Stakeholder focus groups will be used to examine strategic (macro perspective) and implementation-relevant (meso perspective) aspects as well as to analyse selected submitted project work (case studies) at a meta-level.

If you have any questions about the application and admission process for the continuing education program, please contact:
Certificate Program Website

The Department of Migration and Globalization at the Austrian University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK)
The Department for Migration and Globalization at the University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) is the academic cooperation partner for the implementation of the continuing education program.
The UWK is the only Austrian university for continuing education. It follows the approach of lifelong learning and teaches in a mix of attendance phases and distance learning. The UWK thus takes into account the special needs of working professionals.
Since 2010, the department has offered a master’s degree program in Migration and Integration Management with several degree options.
A PhD program in Migration Studies was launched in 2014. Various Certificate Programs and seminars in the field of migration, integration and international affairs round off the profile.
The Department for Migration and Globalization carries out various EU-funded migration projects with a wide range of stakeholders from academia, politics and practice. Return migration and (re-)integration are key research areas of the department.